goals plant trees

restoring tropical forests,
one football pitch at a time

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  • Into this

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Aggregated Achievements

(Y)OUR Impact in Real Time


Pitches restored


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check out our Euro special edition

  • Back a team for the tournament
  • Go tactical – back different teams in different games
  • Click here or on the image for full details on registering and playing

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Check the basics in these videos

Click here or on the image to see all about our work

Click here or on the image to see our ‘goals plant trees / footy badgers 2024 video’

We joined up with legendary creator Mr Weebl to restore his massive hit from 2004, ‘Footy Badgers’. Now the original badger has teamed up with up with native Amazonian species to hammer home the message of deforestation and the need to plant more trees to recover what we’re losing.


  1. Download the beta app and select the football team you love
  2. Commit a cash amount for each goal your team scores
  3. Answer football trivia to boost your impact
  4. Follow how you and your team perform in the league table

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Implementation and communication partners

Sponsors and corporate partners



Forest and climate protection is a global task that requires the commitment of all of us! Football overcomes language barriers and borders easily - and unites people unity. The combination of climate protection and football fever through F4F provides the opportunity for all of us to get involved and engage! With F4F, companies can bring their climate and social responsibility to life and become part of a global movement.

Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven

Member of the Management Board of GIZ GmbH

Both football and climate diplomacy depend on team spirit and joint commitment. As the Federal Foreign Office, we support the Football for Forests initiative and thereby want to combine enthusiasm for football with commitment to more climate protection and more reforestation of tropical forests.

Jennifer Morgan

Special Envoy for International Climate Action

I'm proud to be a Football for Forests Ambassador, supporting efforts to restore tropical forests, pitch by pitch!

Jill Gallard

UK Ambassador to Germany

Reversing the Amazon's Point of No Return is achieved when we move from words to deeds, from intention to action.

Julio Andres

Founder and Director, Amazonía Emprende-Escuela Bosque

Wir sind verantwortlich für das was wir tun und für das was wir unterlassen. Was wir heute tun, entscheidet darüber, wie die Welt morgen aussieht. Bei Football for Forest gibt es für jedes Tor deiner Mannschaft einen Baum. Werde Teil des Teams und beeinflusse den Ausbau der Wälder.

Tabea Kemme

German Footballer

It's an honour for me to be a Football for Forests ambassador and support this valuable initiative with the enthusiasm of my country, Colombia! Download the app where every goal scored by your favourite team, and your donations, result in concrete climate action to preserve our Amazon!

Yadir Salazar–Mejía

Colombian Ambassador to Germany